That evening I decided to ask Derek to look at another house with me. It had been listed on the realtor page for a few months and looked like it was pretty nice.. It was just up the street from Derek's church and actually on the neighboring street of the cape cod we'd just toured. Neither of us were very excited at how close it was to neighbors, but we figured we'd check it out anyway.
A few days later, we stepped onto the sidewalk of a small bungalow completely unaware that it would become our future home. We absolutely loved the house. After finishing our tour, we went home, discussed our options, and immediately decided that we wanted to put an offer in on the house. Within the next two days, one of our offers had been accepted and all the paperwork was filled out. We just had to wait until closing was scheduled, and the house would be ours.
Throughout the next 80 or 90 days, we essentially played the waiting game. An extension had to be filed and some things with the appraisal weren't quite right. We had finally accepted the fact that we weren't going to get the house and began to reevaluate our financial plan. We decided that we would keep saving for another year or so and maybe then something would be available that we'd like. About two days later, the bank called to schedule closing; we were shocked.
It has been a little over a month since we moved in, and although we're not nearly finished with everything, it's coming together rather nicely. We have lots of plans for the basement and office, and hopefully in the Spring we can do some work in the backyard. It isn't everything that we ever dreamed of with a house, but it definitely feels like home. Enjoy some pictures below. Our bedroom, Derek's office, and the spare TV room aren't posted. They weren't really presentable for pictures. :)